新奥尔良倡议将32支枪换成电子游戏 在城市的安全推动下 New Orleans initiative trades 32 guns for video games in city's safety push.
在新奥尔良, 由城市支持的一项倡议允许居民在州枪械法放宽后, 将火器换成视频游戏控制台, 藉此加强公共安全。 In New Orleans, a city-supported initiative allowed residents to swap firearms for video game consoles to boost public safety amid relaxed state gun laws. 两小时多后,32支枪被交换为赌博装置,这是当地非营利的无链现实组织让青年参与赌博和提供技能培训的更广泛战略的一部分。 Over two hours, 32 guns were exchanged for gaming devices, part of a broader strategy by local nonprofit Unchained Realities to engage youth in gaming and offer skills training. 该方案在六个月内收集了94支枪支,但批评者认为,这种回购只会去除一小部分枪支,不会大大减少犯罪率。 The program collected 94 guns over six months, but critics argue that such buybacks only remove a small fraction of guns and do not significantly reduce crime.