来自鲍德温公园的男子被指控在家中杀害三名亲属,包括两名儿童。 Man from Baldwin Park charged with killing three relatives, including two children, at home.
来自鲍德温公园的一名男子被指控在其家中杀害其三名亲属,包括两名儿童。 A man from Baldwin Park has been charged with killing three of his relatives, including two children, at their home. 事件发生在家庭住所内,导致逮捕嫌疑人并对嫌疑人提出指控。 The incident occurred within the family residence, leading to the arrest and charges against the suspect. 报告没有提供动机和情况的详情。 Details of the motive and circumstances are not provided in the reports.