印度政府撤销了CBI Rahul Raj督察因受贿被捕后的奖章。 Indian government revokes medal from CBI inspector Rahul Raj after his arrest for bribery.
印度政府已撤销2023年授予CBI Rahul Raj督察的联邦内政部长调查卓越奖章, The Indian government has revoked the Union Home Minister's Medal for Excellence in Investigation awarded to CBI inspector Rahul Raj in 2023 after he was arrested for allegedly accepting a Rs 10 lakh bribe. Raj因操纵中央邦护士学院的视察报告而被解职。 Raj was dismissed from service for manipulating inspection reports for nursing colleges in Madhya Pradesh. 这一行动强调了CBI承诺对腐败采取“零容忍政策”,导致参与类似不当行为的其他官员进一步被解雇和退休。 This action underscores the CBI's commitment to a "zero-tolerance policy" against corruption, leading to further dismissals and retirements of other officers implicated in similar misconduct.