高级师级工程师Satyam Kumar Singh因向瓦拉纳西的一个承包商索贿而被CBI逮捕。 Senior Divisional Engineer Satyam Kumar Singh arrested by CBI for demanding bribe from a contractor in Varanasi.
Satyam Kumar Singh, 东北铁路公司高级司工程师,因据称向承包商索贿2万卢比,在Varanasi被CBI逮捕。 Satyam Kumar Singh, a Senior Divisional Engineer of North Eastern Railways, was arrested by the CBI in Varanasi for allegedly demanding a bribe of INR 2 lakh from a contractor. 承包商获得了关于铺设铁路轨道的IRR 4 Crore项目。 The contractor was awarded a INR 4 crore project for laying railway tracks. 据报告,Singh威胁说,如果不支付贿赂,就会阻碍该项目。 Singh reportedly threatened to hinder the project if the bribe was not paid. 他因收受贿赂而被捕,将在法庭上受到指控。 He was caught in the act of accepting the bribe and will face charges in court.