加纳警方加强除夕夜的安全, Ghana police increase New Year's Eve security, focusing on safety and preventing misinformation.
加纳警察局加强了除夕的安全,部署了更多的警官,巡逻住宅区和公路,以确保社会和宗教活动的安全。 The Ghana Police Service has heightened security for New Year's Eve, deploying more officers and patrolling residential areas and highways to ensure safety at social and religious events. 警方警告不要发表可能引发恐慌的虚假预言和不实消息。 The police have warned against publishing false prophecies and misinformation that could cause panic. 特别注意保护关键基础设施和保持交通畅通。 Special attention is on protecting critical infrastructure and maintaining smooth traffic flow.