尼日利亚警察部署了超过3 180名警官,以确保圣诞节期间的安全。 Nigerian police deploy over 3,180 officers to ensure safety during Christmas.
尼日利亚联邦首都地区警察已经部署了3 180名警官,以确保2024年圣诞节庆祝活动期间的安全。 The Nigerian Federal Capital Territory Police have deployed 3,180 officers to ensure safety during the 2024 Christmas celebrations. 战略包括增加警察在礼拜场所、活动中心和公共场所的存在,以及拦截和搜查行动和巡逻。 Strategies include increased police presence at places of worship, event centers, and public spaces, along with stop-and-search operations and patrols. 爆炸物处置小组还将对关键基础设施进行安全扫荡。 Explosive Ordnance Disposal teams will also conduct security sweeps of key infrastructures. 警察正在敦促公共合作和警惕,劝告反对使用烟火,鼓励居民报告任何可疑活动。 The police are urging public cooperation and vigilance, advising against the use of fireworks and encouraging residents to report any suspicious activities.