加纳警察和黄金盗贼在新蒙特矿区发生冲突,造成三人死亡,四人受伤。 Three died and four were injured in a clash between Ghanaian police and gold thieves at a Newmont mining site.
2025年1月8日,警察与企图偷黄金的嫌犯在加纳新蒙特矿场发生暴力冲突,造成三人死亡,四人受伤。 On January 8, 2025, a violent clash at the Newmont mining site in Ghana between police and suspects trying to steal gold resulted in three deaths and four injuries. 监察长George Akuffo Dampare博士与当地警察协调努力,恢复秩序,让社区领导人参与其中。 Inspector-General Dr. George Akuffo Dampare coordinated efforts with local police to restore order, engaging community leaders. 派出了一个来自阿克拉的特别调查队,并派了增援人员以维持和平。 A special investigation team from Accra was dispatched, and reinforcements were sent to maintain peace. 警方已敦促公众在处理局势时保持冷静。 The police have urged the public to stay calm as they handle the situation.