文件显示,在洛克比炸弹手梅格拉希获释之前,联合王国内阁没有正式讨论此事。 Documents reveal no formal UK cabinet discussion before the release of Lockerbie bomber Megrahi.
2009年新发布的内阁文件表明,在Abdelbatt Ali Al-Megrahi获得同情释放之前,联合王国内阁没有进行正式讨论。 Abdelbatt Ali Al-Megrahi是唯一一名因1988年洛克比爆炸事件被判定有罪并造成270人死亡的人。 Newly released 2009 cabinet documents show no formal UK cabinet discussion occurred before the compassionate release of Abdelbaset Ali Al-Megrahi, the only man convicted for the 1988 Lockerbie bombing that killed 270 people. Megrahi被诊断为前列腺癌,三年后在利比亚获释并死亡。 Megrahi, diagnosed with prostate cancer, was released and died in Libya three years later. 这些文件显示,关于释放他的讨论有限,当时司法秘书肯尼·麦卡斯基尔考虑利比亚的申请。 The documents reveal limited discussions on his release, with then Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill considering a Libyan application. 另一个嫌犯Abu Agila Masud, 现在准备在美国接受审判。 Another suspect, Abu Agila Masud, is now set to stand trial in the US.