Paladhi的宵禁是在一场涉及一名部长汽车的公路事件引发的冲突之后实施的。 Curfew imposed in Paladhi after clashes sparked by a road incident involving a minister's car.
在马哈拉施特拉邦Jalgaon的Paladhi村实行宵禁, 是因为两个团体之间发生暴力冲突, A curfew was imposed in Paladhi village, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, after violent clashes broke out between two groups, triggered by a road incident involving the driver of a state minister's car. 冲突导致纵火和公共财产损坏。 The clashes led to arson and damage to public property. 政治领袖批评邦政府处理法律和秩序不当, 并指控政府煽动基于宗教和种姓的冲突。 Political leaders criticized the state government for mishandling law and order and for allegedly instigating conflicts based on religion and caste. 为了恢复秩序,部署了警察和地方行政部门。 Police and local administration were deployed to restore order.