Charles Nance被控因据称协助杀人凶手Damien McDaniel而犯有谋杀死刑罪。 Charles Nance charged with capital murder for allegedly aiding killer Damien McDaniel.
Charles Nance被指控犯有死刑谋杀罪,据称他向Damien McDaniel提供了一名后来遇害的受害者的住址。 Charles Nance has been charged with capital murder for allegedly providing Damien McDaniel with the address of a victim who was later killed. McDaniel被指控自7月以来杀害11人,打伤30人,是多起事件的嫌疑犯。 McDaniel, charged with killing 11 and injuring 30 since July, is a suspect in multiple incidents. Nance和同案被告Hatarius Woods也因这些罪行而面临指控。 Nance and co-defendant Hatarius Woods also face charges in connection with the crimes. 另一名嫌疑人Lawrence Nance因据称参与以谋杀告终的入室盗窃而被逮捕。 Another suspect, Lawrence Nance, was arrested for allegedly participating in a burglary that ended in murder.