22岁的Damien McDaniel在阿拉巴马州Birmingham被捕,被控谋杀死刑、17起谋杀未遂和另外两起致命枪击。 22-year-old Damien McDaniel arrested, charged with capital murder, 17 attempted murders, and two other fatal shootings in Birmingham, Alabama.
22 岁的达米安·麦克丹尼尔 (Damien McDaniel) 已被逮捕,并被指控犯有死刑谋杀罪和 17 项谋杀未遂罪,这与 9 月 21 日在阿拉巴马州伯明翰南区发生的大规模枪击事件有关,导致 4 人死亡,十多人受伤。 Damien McDaniel, 22, has been arrested and charged with capital murder and 17 counts of attempted murder linked to a mass shooting on September 21 in Birmingham, Alabama's Five Points South district, resulting in four deaths and over a dozen injuries. 他还在三天的时间内被另外两起致命枪击案指控。 He is also charged in two other fatal shootings within a three-day span. 正在进行的调查收集了300多个社区提示,当局强调对公共安全的承诺。 The ongoing investigation has garnered over 300 community tips, with authorities emphasizing a commitment to public safety.