Gloria Wright 23岁 在她1岁死于头部创伤后 寻求谋杀 Gloria Wright, 23, sought for murder after her 1-year-old's death from head trauma.
一名23岁的母亲Gloria Wright正被Rockdale县治安官办公室追寻,因为她1岁的孩子死于头部钝器创伤。 A 23-year-old mother, Gloria Wright, is being sought by the Rockdale County Sheriff's Office in connection with the death of her 1-year-old child, who died from blunt force trauma to the head. 1月8日发现该名儿童没有呼吸。 The child was found not breathing on January 8. Wright被指控谋杀和残酷对待儿童。 Wright has been charged with murder and cruelty to children. 要求公众与调查员G. Levett联系,了解她的下落。 The public is asked to contact Investigator G. Levett with any information about her whereabouts.