两艘船舶在中国长江河相撞,造成燃料溢漏;清理工作正在进行中。 Two ships collided on China's Changjiang River, causing fuel spill; cleanup is underway.
两艘散装货船,新加坡注册的Yangze 22号和日本注册的Vega Dream号,于12月30日在中国的昌江河相撞。 Two bulk carriers, the Singapore-registered Yangze 22 and the Japan-registered Vega Dream, collided in China's Changjiang River on December 30. Yangze 22船体受损,溢出大约9吨燃料油,上海海事安全管理局正在清理这些燃料油。 Yangze 22 suffered hull damage and spilled about 9 tonnes of fuel oil, which is being cleaned up by the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration. 这两艘船都很稳定,没有船员受伤的报告。 Both ships are stable, and no crew injuries were reported. 新加坡海事和港口管理局将对这一事件进行调查。 The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore will investigate the incident.