卡拉奇原住民喷气桥的油轮和拖车坠毁造成漏油、受伤和交通中断。 Tanker-trailer crash on Karachi's Native Jetty Bridge causes oil spill, injuries, and traffic disruption.
周六清晨,卡拉奇 Native Jetty Bridge 发生油罐车与拖车相撞,导致大量漏油,扰乱了交通,并导致多人因在湿滑的道路上滑倒而受伤。 A tanker-trailer collision on Karachi's Native Jetty Bridge early Saturday morning caused a significant oil spill, disrupting traffic and leading to several injuries from slips on the slippery road. 交通警察正在调查并使用重型机械清除现场,这影响到靠近港口的一条主要商业路线。 Traffic police are investigating and using heavy machinery to clear the scene, impacting a major commercial route near the port. 没有人员死亡的报告。 No fatalities were reported.