特里尼达和多巴哥在杀人案激增时宣布进入紧急状态,赋予警察更广泛的权力。 Trinidad and Tobago declares state of emergency amid surge in homicides, granting police broader powers.
由于暴力犯罪激增,特立尼达和多巴哥宣布进入紧急状态,仅在12月就有61起杀人案,使该年的总数增至623起。 Trinidad and Tobago declared a state of emergency due to a surge in violent crime, including 61 homicides in December alone, raising the year's total to 623. 警察现在有权力在没有逮捕令的情况下进行搜查和拘留嫌疑人,最长可达48小时。 Police now have powers to conduct searches and detain suspects without warrants for up to 48 hours. 暴力主要归因于帮派活动和使用高功率武器。 The violence is largely attributed to gang activity and the use of high-powered weapons. 没有实行宵禁,但预计将增加军事和警察的存在。 No curfew is in place, but an increased military and police presence is expected.