德克萨斯州面临侵入性的螺旋虫威胁,因为奥斯汀举办 ACL Fest 并庆祝文化里程碑。 Texas faces invasive Screwworm threat as Austin hosts ACL Fest and celebrates cultural milestones.
德克萨斯州公园和野生动物管理局警告说,南部边境附近有入侵性的新世界螺旋虫,它可能导致动物和人类致命感染。 Texas Parks and Wildlife warns of invasive New World Screwworm near the southern border, which can cause deadly infections in animals and humans. 在奥斯汀,音乐家 Chappell Roan 成为 ACL Fest 的头条新闻,而这座城市则庆祝 Formula 1 和 Dazed and Confused 成立 30 周年。 In Austin, musician Chappell Roan headlines ACL Fest, while the city celebrates Formula 1 and Dazed and Confused's 30th anniversary. 在达拉斯,Tru by Hilton 酒店计划开设一个新的屋顶酒吧,该市在新年周提供各种餐饮活动。 In Dallas, a new rooftop bar is planned for the Tru by Hilton hotel, and the city offers various food and drink events for New Year's week.