44起盗窃案,主要是手机盗窃案,发生在美国劳联音乐节第一个周末。 44 thefts, primarily cell phones, reported during ACL Music Festival's first weekend.
在奥斯汀城市界限 (ACL) 音乐节的第一个周末,奥斯汀警察局报告了 44 起盗窃案,主要是手机,其中 42 起是被盗手机。 During the first weekend of the Austin City Limits (ACL) Music Festival, the Austin Police Department reported 44 thefts, primarily cell phones, with 42 of those being stolen phones. 还有225人要求提供服务,2人被捕。 There were also 225 calls for service and two arrests. 节日观光者应保持警惕,保管好他们的物品。 Festival-goers are advised to stay vigilant and secure their belongings. 向与会者提供失物招领服务,以便他们报告或收回丢失的项目。 A lost-and-found service is available for attendees to report or retrieve lost items. 最新的犯罪统计数据将在该节第二个周末后提供。 Updated crime statistics will be provided after the festival's second weekend.