印度国防部长强调了新的战争挑战,强调要为现代威胁做好准备。 India's Defence Minister highlights new warfare challenges, stressing preparedness for modern threats.
印度国防部长Rajnath Singh强调了新的“非常规”战争挑战,包括信息、AI、代理、电磁、空间和网络攻击。 India's Defence Minister Rajnath Singh highlighted new "unconventional" warfare challenges including information, AI, proxy, electromagnetic, space, and cyber-attacks. Singh在Mhow陆军战争学院讲话时强调,印度陆军必须做好应对这些威胁的充分准备。 Speaking at the Army War College in Mhow, Singh stressed the need for the Indian Army to be well-prepared for these threats. 这是24年来国防部长对学院的第一次访问。 This was the first visit by a Defence Minister to the college in 24 years. Singh还讨论了印度军队现代化和一体化的努力。 Singh also discussed efforts to modernize and integrate India’s military forces.