任命了 3 名与 NDA/Sainik 学校有联系的印度军事领导人,加强了发展战区指挥部的合作。 3 Indian military leaders with NDA/Sainik School ties appointed, increasing collaboration for developing theatre commands.
三名印度军事领导人,即Upendra Dwivedi将军(陆军)、Dinesh K Tripathi上将(海军)和AP Singh空军元帅(空军),在国防学院和雷瓦Sainik学校的训练中都有着密切的联系。 Three Indian military leaders, Gen Upendra Dwivedi (Army), Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi (Navy), and Air Marshal AP Singh (Air Force), all share strong ties from their training at the National Defence Academy and Sainik School, Rewa. 他们最近的任命(Singh定于9月30日上任)可望加强部队之间的合作。 Their recent appointments, with Singh set to assume his role on September 30, are expected to enhance collaboration among the forces. 这种协同作用至关重要,因为军事部开发战区指挥和共同行动资产。 This synergy is crucial as the Department of Military Affairs develops theatre commands and common operational assets.