Sinopec在阿尔及利亚发布了第一份可持续性报告,重点介绍了环境和社区努力。 Sinopec releases first sustainability report in Algeria, highlighting environmental and community efforts.
中国主要的石油和天然气公司中佩克在阿尔及利亚发布了第一份可持续发展报告。 Sinopec, a major Chinese oil and gas company, has released its first sustainable development report in Algeria. 报告重点介绍了该公司在该国负责任和可持续地开展业务的努力,重点是环境保护、社区参与和经济贡献。 The report highlights the company's efforts to operate responsibly and sustainably in the country, focusing on environmental protection, community engagement, and economic contributions. 这标志着中佩克承诺在其国际行动中采取透明和可持续做法。 This marks Sinopec's commitment to transparent and sustainable practices in its international operations.