联合国全球契约亚洲-大洋洲活动提倡可持续的商业做法,并展示推动可持续发展目标的举措。 UN Global Compact Asia-Oceania event promotes sustainable business practices and showcases initiatives to advance SDGs.
联合国全球契约在亚洲和大洋洲的区域旗舰活动旨在加速可持续的商业做法和推进可持续发展目标。 The UN Global Compact's regional flagship event in Asia & Oceania aimed to accelerate sustainable business practices and advance Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 近500人参加了这次活动,强调私营部门参与可持续发展的重要性,并展示了可再生能源项目和可持续供应链等举措。 The event, attended by nearly 500 participants, highlighted the importance of private sector engagement in sustainable development and showcased initiatives like renewable energy projects and sustainable supply chains. 该区域270多个参与公司加入了 " 更快前进 " 倡议,重点是推动可衡量进展的五个行动领域。 Over 270 participating companies from the region have joined the Forward Faster initiative, focusing on five action areas to drive measurable progress.