Robert Alvin Morning-Bromley III被指控在休息站留下一名青少年死于体温过低。 Robert Alvin Morning-Bromley III is charged with leaving a teen to die of hypothermia at a rest stop.
罗伯特·阿尔文·莫宁-布罗姆利三世 (Robert Alvin Morning-Bromley III) 在 16 岁的赛琳娜·不怕 (Selena Not Afraid) 之死中面临两项刑事危害指控,她的尸体五年前在大角县被发现。 Robert Alvin Morning-Bromley III faces two criminal endangerment charges in the death of 16-year-old Selena Not Afraid, whose body was found in Big Horn County five years ago. 上午,Bromley被指控离开 " 不害怕 " 组织,另一人在休息站被困,当时他们喝醉酒,衣着不整,不适寒冷。 Morning-Bromley is accused of leaving Not Afraid and another individual stranded at a rest stop while they were intoxicated and inadequately dressed for cold weather. Not Fear 死于体温过低。 Not Afraid died of hypothermia. 如果定罪,Bromley早上可能会面临长达10年的监禁和50 000美元的罚款。 If convicted, Morning-Bromley could face up to 10 years in prison and a $50,000 fine.