Gerson Blas Noe被指控犯有一级杀人罪,因为他女友的尸体被发现在玉米田里。 Gerson Blas Noe is charged with first-degree homicide after his girlfriend's body was found in a cornfield.
Gerson Blas Noe, 23岁,来自Sun Prairie, 面临指控,包括因他27岁的女友Ingrid Valverde-Ponce死亡而导致的一级故意杀人罪。 Gerson Blas Noe, 23, from Sun Prairie, faces charges including first-degree intentional homicide for the death of his 27-year-old girlfriend, Ingrid Valverde-Ponce. 她的尸体被发现在玉米田里;她可能怀孕了。 Her body was found in a cornfield; she may have been pregnant. Blas Noe最后与她在一起,向警察提供自相矛盾的报道,并被指控藏匿尸体和提供虚假信息。 Blas Noe, seen last with her, provided conflicting stories to police and is also charged with concealing a corpse and giving false information. 一笔800,000美元的保证金被设定,他无法与受害人的家人联系。 A $800,000 bond was set, and he cannot contact the victim's family. 死亡原因仍在确定中。 The cause of death is still being determined.