两名成年人被指控一级谋杀、虐待尸体和盗窃政府罪。 Two adults are charged with first-degree murder, abuse of a corpse, and theft of government.
普韦布洛警察局逮捕了科雷纳·罗斯·米哈雷斯 (Corena Rose Minjarez),罪名是涉嫌杀害两名失踪儿童,即 3 岁的叶塞尼亚·多明格斯 (Yesenia Dominguez) 和 5 岁的耶稣·多明格斯 (Jesus Dominguez Jr.),他们的遗体于今年 1 月和 2 月在储藏室和废品场被发现。 The Pueblo Police Department arrested Corena Rose Minjarez in connection with the homicides of two missing children, Yesenia Dominguez, 3, and Jesus Dominguez Jr., 5, whose remains were discovered in a storage unit and a scrap yard in January and February this year. 自2018年以来,这些孩子一直被报告失踪,但没有提交失踪人员报告。 The children had been reported missing since 2018, but no missing person report was filed. 男性嫌疑人耶稣·多明计斯仍然在逃。 The male suspect, Jesus Dominguez, remains at large. 明贾雷斯被押在普韦布洛县拘留中心,保释金为 200 万美元。 Minjarez is being held on a $2 million bond at the Pueblo County Detention Center. 警方仍在寻找这名男性嫌疑人,并敦促任何了解此案信息的人与当局联系。 The police are still searching for the male suspect and are urging anyone with information about the case to contact the authorities.