Roanoke, Virginia, 于2025年春季建造第一个内河白水公园, 经费来自56万澳元的ARPA赠款。 Roanoke, Virginia, to build its first in-river whitewater park in spring 2025, funded by $5.6M ARPA grant.
弗吉尼亚州的罗阿诺克将于2025年春季建造第一个河内白水公园,经费来自《美国救援计划法》的560万美元。 Roanoke, Virginia, will build its first in-river whitewater park in spring 2025, funded by $5.6 million from the American Rescue Plan Act. 位于瓦塞纳公园附近的公园将包括一个海浪功能,两个符合ADA的入口点,以及水区. The park, located near Wasena Park, will include a wave feature for kayakers, two ADA-compliant entry points, and wading areas. 其目的是加强河流的通达和社区参与。 It aims to enhance river access and community engagement. 预计到2026年底竣工,该城市为额外特色寻求额外赠款。 Completion is expected by late 2026, with the city seeking additional grants for extra features.