由于污水泄漏和细菌含量过高,弗吉尼亚州卫生部门建议不要在詹姆斯河进行娱乐活动。 Virginia Department of Health advises against recreational activities in James River due to sewage leak and high bacteria levels.
弗吉尼亚州卫生部门建议,由于污水泄漏和细菌含量高,避免在詹姆斯河从里士满的曼彻斯特桥(第 9 街)到亨利科县的奥斯本登陆点之间游泳、涉水、漂流和白水皮划艇。 Virginia Department of Health advises avoiding swimming, wading, tubing, and whitewater kayaking in the James River from Manchester Bridge (9th Street) in Richmond to Osborne Landing in Henrico County due to a sewage leak and high bacteria levels. 7 月 16 日,管道小径附近发生下水道泄漏事件,相关情况报告给环境质量部门。 A sewer release near the Pipeline Trail was reported to DEQ on July 16. DEQ 和 VDH 都在积极监测情况,一旦细菌水平达到可以安全进行娱乐接触的水平,就会取消该警告。 Both DEQ and VDH are actively monitoring the situation, and the advisory will be lifted once bacteria levels are safe for recreational contact.