Bellevue 计划在 U.S. 34 和 U.S. 34 和 U.S. Bellevue plans a $60M, 100K-sqft indoor waterpark with a retractable roof, modeled after Epicwaters, at U.S. 34 and U.S.
贝尔维尤市计划建造一个 100,000 平方英尺的带有可伸缩屋顶的室内水上乐园。 The City of Bellevue plans to build a 100,000-square-foot indoor waterpark with a retractable roof. 该设施预计耗资高达 6000 万美元,位于 U.S. 34 和 U.S. 75 交汇处西北部,毗邻三家酒店。 The facility is expected to cost up to $60 million and will be located northwest of the U.S. 34 and U.S. 75 interchange, alongside three hotels. 该水上乐园将以德克萨斯州的 Epicwaters 为蓝本,预计将吸引 180 至 250 英里半径范围内的游客,包括内布拉斯加州、爱荷华州、南达科他州、堪萨斯州和密苏里州的地区。 The waterpark will be modeled after Epicwaters in Texas and is expected to draw visitors from a 180- to 250-mile radius, including areas in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, and Missouri.