对德克萨斯州、新墨西哥州和三州地区部分地区发出红旗警告,因为有极端的火灾危险。 Red flag warnings issued for parts of Texas, New Mexico, and the tri-state area due to extreme fire danger.
红旗警告对西得克萨斯州、新墨西哥州东部和俄克拉荷马州/堪萨斯州/科罗拉多州的部分地区生效,因为有严重的火灾危险。 Red flag warnings are in effect for parts of West Texas, eastern New Mexico, and the Oklahoma/Kansas/Colorado area due to critical fire danger. 条件包括高温、60米长的长风和低湿度。 Conditions include high temperatures, gusty winds over 60 mph, and low humidity. 国家气象局建议避免露天火灾和可能引发火灾的活动,并在车辆中扑灭吸烟材料。 The National Weather Service advises avoiding open flames and activities that could spark fires, and to extinguish smoking materials in vehicles. 警告在星期一晚上继续有效。 The warnings remain in effect through Monday evening.