魁北克滑雪经营者尽管天气异常温暖多雨,但仍保持乐观。 Quebec ski operators stay optimistic despite unseasonably warm, rainy weather.
尽管天气异常温暖多雨,但魁北克滑雪场运营商仍然保持乐观。 Despite unseasonably warm and rainy weather, Quebec ski hill operators remain optimistic. 他们认为这些条件是暂时的,一旦天气好转,滑雪者就会回来。 They believe the conditions are temporary and that skiers will return once the weather improves. 运营商专注于长期计划并维护他们的设施,以确保他们为更好的条件做好准备。 Operators are focusing on long-term plans and maintaining their facilities to ensure they are ready for better conditions.