纪念20年的四方会议从救灾扩大到处理印度-太平洋的气候变化和网络安全。 The Quad, marking 20 years, expands from disaster relief to address climate change and cybersecurity in the Indo-Pacific.
四方是澳大利亚、印度、日本和美国的伙伴关系,它庆祝了20年的合作,最初是在2004年印度洋海啸之后为救灾而成立的。 The Quad, a partnership of Australia, India, Japan, and the US, celebrated 20 years of cooperation, initially formed for disaster relief after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. 现在,该小组处理更广泛的区域挑战,例如气候变化和网络安全,同时支持印度-太平洋的区域稳定和繁荣。 Now, the group addresses broader regional challenges like climate change and cybersecurity while supporting regional stability and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific. 四方的年度首脑会议强调了它们对人道主义援助和战略协作的承诺。 The Quad's annual summits underscore their commitment to humanitarian aid and strategic collaboration.