印度部长说四国联盟将会在新的特朗普政府下维持支持。 India's minister says the Quad alliance will maintain support under the new Trump administration.
印度外交部长S. Jaishankar表示, 印度,美国,日本和澳大利亚组成的四方可能不会看到新任特朗普政府的支持减少. India's External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar says the Quad, a grouping of India, the US, Japan, and Australia, is unlikely to see reduced support from the incoming Trump administration. 于2017年恢复活力的四方已大幅增长,举行了六次首脑会议,并从副部级升为部长级。 The Quad, revitalized in 2017, has grown significantly, holding six summits and moving from vice-ministerial to ministerial levels. Jaishankar指出,该联盟具有合作性质,所有成员平等分担责任,印度将于2025年主办下一次首脑会议。 Jaishankar notes the alliance's cooperative nature, where all members share responsibilities equally, and India will host the next summit in 2025.