内华达州近9,000张选票因签名错配而被拒绝,引起人们对邮寄投票程序的关切。 Nearly 9,000 ballots were rejected in Nevada due to signature mismatches, raising concerns over mail-in voting processes.
由于疫情,邮寄投票的数量急剧增加,但各州因不同签名而面临投票票被拒绝的问题. Mail-in voting has surged due to the pandemic, but states face issues with ballot rejections from mismatched signatures. 内华达州近9 000张选票因签名问题于11月被拒绝, In Nevada, nearly 9,000 ballots were rejected in November due to signature problems, potentially affecting close races. 表决权团体呼吁对核查进程进行彻底改革,而批评者则争论在大量投递邮件的国家增加身份证要求是否可行。 Voting rights groups call for an overhaul of the verification process, while critics debate the feasibility of additional ID requirements in heavily mail-voting states.