在CT的North Stonington, 大约1000张早期选票可能因签名缺失而无效。 In North Stonington, CT, about 1,000 early ballots may be invalid due to missing signatures.
康涅狄格州北斯顿顿(North Stonington), 选民在10月21日至31日期间提前投票, 被错误地告知必须在选票信封上签名, North Stonington, Connecticut, voters who cast early ballots between October 21 and 31 were misinformed about the requirement to sign their ballot envelopes, potentially invalidating around 1,000 votes. 敦促未签字者访问教育中心,在早期投票或选举日更正选票。 Those who did not sign are urged to visit the Education Center to correct their ballots during early voting or on Election Day. 有人对无法返回的选民被剥夺公民权的风险表示关切。 Concerns have been raised about the risk of disenfranchisement for voters unable to return. 如需协助,请与当地登记员联系,电话:860-885-8800。 For assistance, contact the local registrars at 860-885-8800.