在2024年的选举中,宾夕法尼亚州被否决的邮寄选票急剧下降,从3.5%降至1%。 Pennsylvania sees sharp drop in rejected mail ballots, from 3.5% to 1%, in 2024 election.
宾夕法尼亚州报告说,在2024年大选中,被否决的邮寄选票与4月的初选相比减少了57%,只影响到1%的选票。 Pennsylvania reported a 57% decrease in rejected mail-in ballots in the 2024 general election compared to the April primary, affecting just 1% of the votes. 通常拒绝的原因包括迟到、日期不正确、签名缺失和缺少保密信封。 Common rejection reasons were late arrival, incorrect dates, missing signatures, and missing secrecy envelopes. 国家官员将这一减少归因于长达一年的选民教育运动和规则变更,包括预先打印的选票信封和更加明确的指示。 State officials attribute the reduction to a year-long voter education campaign and rule changes, including preprinted ballot envelopes and clearer instructions.