密西西比高速公路巡逻, 以加强执法, 防止酒后驾车及安全带违规事件在新年出现。 Mississippi Highway Patrol to boost enforcement against drunk driving and seatbelt violations during New Year's.
密西西比高速公路巡逻队(MHP)将加大执法力度,从12月31日上午6时至1月1日午夜,以确保在新年节日期间安全旅行。 The Mississippi Highway Patrol (MHP) will increase enforcement from December 31 at 6 a.m. to January 1 at midnight to ensure safe travels during the New Year's holiday. 部队人员将进行高可见度巡逻和安全检查站,重点是安全带使用和防止酒后驾车。 Troopers will conduct high-visibility patrols and safety checkpoints, focusing on seatbelt use and preventing drunk driving. 官员敦促密西西比人以负责任的方式庆祝,遵守交通法,避免酒后驾车。 Officials urge Mississippians to celebrate responsibly by following traffic laws and avoiding alcohol-impaired driving.