密歇根州警察敦促居民在冬季危险意识周期间为冬季危险做好准备。 Michigan State Police urge residents to prepare for winter hazards during Winter Hazards Awareness Week.
密歇根州警察局(MSP)正在建议居民在冬季防险意识周期间为冬季防险做好准备,如极端寒冷、冷冻管道和停电。 The Michigan State Police (MSP) is advising residents to prepare for winter hazards, such as extreme cold, frozen pipes, and power outages, during Winter Hazards Awareness Week. 建议的安全措施包括防天气住宅、绝缘供水线、检查供暖系统以及安装一氧化碳探测器。 Recommended safety measures include weatherproofing homes, insulating water lines, inspecting heating systems, and installing carbon monoxide detectors. 还鼓励居民准备车辆,在家中和汽车中保留急救箱。 Residents are also encouraged to prepare vehicles and keep emergency kits at home and in cars. 更多指导可在MSP网站上找到. More guidance is available on the MSP website.