在米沙瓦卡的诺福克南部轨道上被火车撞伤的男子; 致命事故发生在几天前. Man critically injured by train on Norfolk Southern tracks in Mishawaka; fatal incident occurred days prior.
一名男子在星期一晚上8点15分左右在S. Byrkit大道附近的Mishawaka被诺福克南铁轨上的火车击中后,身处危急状态。 A man is in critical condition after being hit by a train on the Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks in Mishawaka near S. Byrkit Avenue around 8:15 pm on Monday. 这是在四天前发生的一起致命事件之后发生的,当时一名46岁的男子在另一过境点被打死。 This follows a fatal incident four days earlier where a 46-year-old man was killed at another crossing. 警方正在调查并强调除有标记的过境点外,必须远离铁路轨道。 Police are investigating and emphasize the importance of staying away from railroad tracks except at marked crossings.