一名男子在路易斯安那州睡在铁轨上时被火车撞伤后住院。 A man was hospitalized after being struck by a train while sleeping on tracks in Louisiana.
一名男子在星期一早上睡在路易斯安那州Pointe Coupee Parish的Innis的铁轨上时被火车撞死后住院。 A man was hospitalized after being struck by a train while sleeping on the tracks in Innis, Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana, early Monday morning. 事件发生在凌晨3时30分左右,该男子被送往湖地区医疗中心圣母。 The incident occurred around 3:30 a.m. and the man was transported to Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center. 目前还不知道他受伤的严重程度。 The severity of his injuries is currently unknown. 警长办公室确认铁路公司正在进行调查 The sheriff's office confirmed the railroad company is now conducting the investigation. 预计会进一步更新。 Further updates are expected.