印度和尼泊尔发起联合军事演习“Surya Kiran”, 以增进合作与安全。 India and Nepal launch joint military exercise "Surya Kiran" to boost cooperation and security.
印度和尼泊尔于2024年12月31日在尼泊尔Saljhandi开始第18次年度联合军事演习“Surya KIRAN”。 The 18th annual joint military exercise "Surya Kiran" between India and Nepal began on December 31, 2024, in Saljhandi, Nepal. 这次为期两周的活动侧重于反叛乱、反恐和救灾,涉及两国军队668名人员。 This two-week exercise, focusing on counterinsurgency, counterterrorism, and disaster response, involves 668 personnel from both armies. 2011年以来,该演习由尼泊尔和印度轮流主办,目的是加强军事合作和加强双边联系。 Hosted alternately by Nepal and India since 2011, the drill aims to enhance military cooperation and strengthen bilateral ties.