印度和美国正于11月2日至22日在爱达荷举行第15次联合特种部队演习。 India and the U.S. are holding their 15th joint special forces exercise in Idaho from November 2-22.
印度和美国从11月2日至22日在爱达荷州举行第15次联合特种部队演习“Vajra Prahar 2024”, India and the United States are conducting their 15th joint special forces exercise, "Vajra Prahar 2024," from November 2 to 22 in Idaho. 演习涉及来自每个国家的45名人员,重点是加强沙漠环境中的互操作性和作业能力。 Involving 45 personnel from each nation, the exercise focuses on enhancing interoperability and operational capabilities in desert environments. 主要活动包括联合规划、侦察和特别行动战术,目的是培养友情,以及印度陆军与美国陆军特种部队绿色贝雷特部队之间的合作。 Key activities include joint planning, reconnaissance, and special operations tactics, aimed at fostering camaraderie and collaboration between the Indian Army and U.S. Army Special Forces, the Green Berets.