Idaho的天然气价格跌至每加仑3.08美元,略低于全国平均3.03美元的水平。 Idaho's gas prices fell to $3.08 per gallon, slightly below the national average of $3.03.
Idaho的天然气价格略微下跌到每加仑3.08美元,一夜之间下降了半便士,但仍比一周前高出3美分。 Idaho's gas prices have dropped slightly to $3.08 per gallon, a decrease of half a penny overnight but still three cents higher than a week ago. 州价比去年便宜11美分, 燃料成本名列全国第12位。 The state's prices are 11 cents cheaper than last year, ranking 12th in the nation for fuel costs. 全国平均水平为3.03美元,比一年前低9美分。 The national average is $3.03, nine cents lower than a year ago. 目前32个州低于3美元,预计价格将随着冬季需求的变化继续波动。 With 32 states now under the $3 mark, prices are expected to continue fluctuating as winter demand changes. 西得克萨斯州中级原油价格为每桶71至72美元,与去年类似。 West Texas Intermediate crude oil prices are at $71-$72 per barrel, similar to last year.