Florida Power & Light计划五年内年利率提高约2.5%, 2026年总计1.55B美元, 2027年930M美元。 Florida Power & Light plans annual rate hikes of about 2.5% over five years, totaling $1.55B in 2026 and $930M in 2027.
Florida Power & Light(FPL)计划从2025年至2029年每年将基本电费提高约2.5%, Florida Power & Light (FPL) plans to raise base electric rates by about 2.5% annually from 2025 to 2029, citing growth and system expansion needs, including solar and battery projects. 拟议增加总额2026年15.5亿美元,2027年9.30亿美元。 The proposed increases total $1.55 billion in 2026 and $930 million in 2027. FPL为大约600万客户提供服务,预计新费率将保持在低于全国平均水平的水平。 FPL serves about 6 million customers and expects the new rates to remain below the national average. 该计划将在国家监管机构作出决定之前接受公开审查。 The plan will undergo public review before state regulators make a decision.