自2025年1月1日起,俄勒冈州公用事业客户每月面临约14美元的涨价。 Oregon utility customers face a rate hike of about $14 per month starting January 1, 2025.
俄勒冈公共事业委员会批准太平洋电力公司客户的费率提高8.5%,低于最初要求的17.9%。 The Oregon Public Utility Commission has approved an 8.5% rate increase for Pacific Power customers, down from the initially requested 17.9%. 居住率将上升9.8%,比每月平均账单增加约14美元。 Residential rates will rise by 9.8%, adding about $14 to the average monthly bill. 该决定是在委员会审查了60多个有争议的问题,包括投资费用和与野火有关的费用后作出的。 The decision came after the commission reviewed over 60 contested issues, including investment costs and wildfire-related expenses. 这些变更于2025年1月1日生效。 The changes take effect on January 1, 2025.