加利福尼亚州CHP在除夕加强巡逻 以遏制醉酒和吸毒的驾车。 California CHP to boost patrols on New Year's Eve to curb drunk and drug-impaired driving.
加利福尼亚高速公路巡逻队(CHP)将增加巡逻,从除夕下午6时到新年末,以打击醉酒和有吸毒障碍的驾驶。 The California Highway Patrol (CHP) will increase patrols from 6 p.m. on New Year's Eve to late New Year's Day to combat drunk and drug-impaired driving. 警员将针对有缺陷的机动车手、超速车和其他交通违规者。 Officers will target impaired motorists, speeders, and other traffic violators. 去年,CHP在一次类似的行动中逮捕了892名酒后驾车者。 Last year, the CHP made 892 DUI arrests during a similar operation. 湾区公共交通机构将提供免费驾车,以阻止在影响下驾车。 Public transportation agencies in the Bay Area will offer free rides to discourage driving under the influence.