BW LPG 以 $1.05B 的价格从 Avance Gas 收购了 12 个 VLGC,发行了新股,并于年底完成了交易。 BW LPG acquires 12 VLGCs from Avance Gas for $1.05B, issued new shares, and finalized deal on year-end.
海石油公司已完成从阿凡斯天然气公司以105亿美元的价格收购12艘VLGC,向阿凡斯天然气公司发行了2141万股新股,并于2024年12月31日收到最后一艘船,BW Avior. BW LPG has completed the acquisition of 12 VLGCs from Avance Gas for $1.05 billion, issued 2.141 million new shares to Avance Gas, and received the final vessel, BW Avior, on December 31, 2024. Avenance Gas公司将在40天的保管期后向股东分发股票和3 000万美元现金。 Avance Gas will distribute the shares and $30 million in cash to its shareholders after a 40-day lock-up period. 这笔交易加强了BW液化石油气的船队,为Avanance气公司带来3.15亿美元的帐面收益。 The deal strengthens BW LPG's fleet and yields a book gain of $315 million for Avance Gas.