Vantage Drilling和TotalEnergies表格TEVA,准备为刚果(金)后199兆元合同购买一艘钻探船。 Vantage Drilling and TotalEnergies form TEVA, set to buy a drillship for $199M post-Congo contract.
Vantage Drilling和TotalEnergies公司组成了一个合资企业,称为TEVA号船舶宪章。 Vantage Drilling and TotalEnergies have formed a joint venture called TEVA Ship Charter. Tungsten探索者钻探船在刚果完成合同后,TEVA将以1.99亿美元的价格购买它,总能源公司拥有75%的股份,Vantage公司拥有25%的股份。 After the Tungsten Explorer drillship finishes its contract in Congo, TEVA will purchase it for $199 million, with TotalEnergies owning 75% and Vantage 25%. 房东将经营该钻机10年,可选择延长5年。 Vantage will operate the rig for ten years, with a five-year extension option. 这一伙伴关系旨在通过近海钻探方面的合作来创造价值。 This partnership aims to create value through collaboration in offshore drilling.