美国航空公司从芝加哥飞往拉斯维加斯的航班 因门警示灯而返回 安全降落 American Airlines flight from Chicago to Las Vegas returned due to door warning lights, landing safely.
美国航空公司的波音737-800航班从芝加哥飞往拉斯维加斯, 由于多个门的警告灯指示, 返回芝加哥, 据FlightRadar24报道. An American Airlines Boeing 737-800 flight from Chicago to Las Vegas turned back to Chicago due to multiple door warning light indications, as reported by FlightRadar24. 飞机安全降落,乘客后来在另一架飞机上重新订票,继续前往拉斯维加斯。 The plane landed safely, and passengers were later rebooked on a different aircraft to continue to Las Vegas. 美国航空公司尚未对事件作出评论。 American Airlines has not yet commented on the incident.