一艘拖船在密西西比河与一艘油轮碰撞后沉没,全体船员获救。 A tugboat sank after colliding with a tanker in the Mississippi River; all crew were rescued.
一艘拖船在路易斯安那州卢林附近的密西西比河与一艘油轮碰撞之后沉没。 A tugboat sank after colliding with a tanker ship in the Mississippi River near Luling, Louisiana. 机组人员迅速获救并被送往医院进行评估。 The crew was quickly rescued and taken to hospitals for evaluation. 美国海岸警卫队抵达现场,但发现所有船员已经获救。 The U.S. Coast Guard arrived at the scene but found all crew members had already been rescued. 他们将对事故造成的任何环境影响进行评估。 They will assess any environmental impacts from the accident.