萨里警方对一场酒吧斗殴作出反应,导致两名男子被无生命威胁的伤员枪击身亡。 Police in Surrey responded to a pub fight that left two men shot with non-life-threatening injuries.
不列颠哥伦比亚省萨里警察对凌晨2时30分左右在5Tara Pub和休息室发生的大规模战斗作出反应,导致两名男子被射杀,伤势无生命危险。 Police in Surrey, British Columbia, responded to a large fight at the 5Tara Pub and Lounge around 2:30 a.m., which led to two men being shot with non-life-threatening injuries. 旁观者把受害者送往医院。 Bystanders took the victims to the hospital. 萨里警察局正在调查并寻找录像片段和证人证词,以确定战斗的原因。 The Surrey Police Service is investigating and seeking video footage and witness statements to determine the cause of the fight.