菲律宾马可塞斯和杜特斯之间的政治联盟崩溃, 面临腐败和债务问题。 Philippine political alliance between Marcoses and Dutertes collapses, facing corruption and debt issues.
菲律宾政治在2024年面临动荡,因为马科斯和杜特尔特之间的联合联盟破裂,导致政治争执. Philippine politics faced turmoil in 2024 as the UniTeam alliance between the Marcoses and Dutertes broke down, leading to a political feud. 这一年开展了腐败调查,国民债务上升,2025年预算因削减社会服务以资助政治项目而受到批评。 The year saw corruption investigations and rising national debt, with the 2025 budget criticized for cutting social services to fund political projects. 尽管面临挑战, 但人们对即将到来的中期选举持乐观态度, 敦促选民做出明智的选择。 Despite challenges, there's optimism for the upcoming midterm elections, urging voters to make informed choices.